Sunny North Carolina in October 2010

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Bull and the Ram

Did you know that our wedding is in two months? Amazing, right?

We have been spending our time getting ready. Gluing invitations. Gluing our fingers. We have had a lot of help, and will welcome more help this weekend as Kel and Dan come to help put invitations in the mail. We are ready.

Now, I have been writing this post for a while. In my head. As things happen. It's a funny comparison of our relationship. And honestly, this post is for Seth and Megan Berry. :)

I wanted to explain our relationship a little bit more. Some who know AHB from work, or just as friends, have asked if he ever gets mad. Well, no. Although he does get frustrated - he never loses his cool.(But there was this really close call with our trash can the other day. Want to win AHB over - buy the trash can on our registry. Ha!) He doesn't really get mad. Not really. That is because I am going to marry Ferdinand the Bull. You don't have a context for this? (My Disney fans will know this story - but for thoes who weren't raised in a Disney house...)Please follow this link:

Seriously, please watch this!

AHB is ferdinand the bull. I have thought this from the first few weeks we started dating. He is happy to just sit. Under his favorite cork tree (recliner), smelling the flowers (drinking diet coke), and watching the world. Slow to anger. But persistant as hell. If Ferdinand doesn't want to move, he isn't about to move.

Example: We had somewhere to go a few weeks ago. This had been planned for a few days, and we both agreed on Wednesday that we would go on Sunday. Well, Sunday rolled around - which was our first day off in over a month - and Ferdinand was really happy just sitting, smelling flowers, and watching the world. I got up and moving about 2 hours before. Getting ready. Taking a shower. Doing my hair. Announcing all the while:

"Ferdinand. Come on. We have to get going. You need to take a shower."

"Ok, Ferdinand. Too late to shower. Just put some nicer clothes on."

"Ok, I am doinbg my make up. We need to leave in 15 minutes."

"Ferdinand, we really have to go out the door. I am going to take the dogs out and come back into get you..."

With all of my begging and pleading, Ferdinand didn't move. He wanted to stay at home.

There have been similar stories for Ferdinand the bull. Seth can tell you of a time when AHB needed new tires or something for his car at 7 or 8 in the morning....and he wouldn't let up until Seth took him to get tires.

After my failed attempt to get Ferdinand out of the house I looked at him ans said, "Geeze, I am going to need to get stronger or this is going to be a battle for the rest of our lives!" and he said, "Pip, I will be able to out stubborn you any day of the week."


But, you have to understand - AHB is a Taurus. I am an Aries. And though many of you may not believe in the zodiac...the sign for Taurus is the bull. Reason being? Taurus men are not for their stubborn nature. They do not easily anger, but just like ferdinand they take life in strides. Everything in their own timing. But, once they get something in their head - good luck convincing them otherwise. AHB even told me when we started dating that once he considered us as a couple, the idea just stuck.

I promise to write more about the ram and the bull later. But I need to jump in the shower or I will be late for my 8am class! :)

Can't wait for Nov. 5th.


  1. Thank you for updating! I really do enjoy reading! Have you ever seen The Blindside? They compared Michael to Ferdinand the Bull too! haha! Miss you!!

  2. Molly-

    It's good to see that some things never change, Alex could probably "out stubborn" everyone I know (even Frump on the couch!)and yes I was thinking Blindside too, when I read that. Looking forward to seeing you both in a couple of months, happy invitation mailing :)

  3. You all crack me up! I don't remember that part in the blindside! I need to look it up again. :)

  4. Molly
    What a great description of AHB. I could not have said it better. He was born in control but he was a very happy and good baby. When AHB and I used to disagree he would say, I respect your opinion but I will do what I want to do. Then I would say, O.K., well,then that sounds fine. Love, Kel
