Sunny North Carolina in October 2010

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The emotional post. :)

Invitations are out and we hope you love them as much as we do. :)

Well, I knew it would eventually hit. The emotional post. The one AHB would roll his eyes at, and laugh. But, I can't help it.

I am in a blessed mood lately.

I get completely wrapped up in these moments when I am just feeling so loved I could burst. It could have a lot to do with the fact that I get to see my parents this weekend, or my sisters and Ohio friends next weekend...or that I am marrying someone incredible....I mean, there are a lot of factors as of late.

But, it was this realization that I am constantly surrounded by love in church on Sunday. Sitting with people I consider family, talking with folks who are taking the time because they want to, to throw showers for AHB and I. The time, the energy, the out pour of can you not feel completely overwhelmed with appreciation?

As a woman who has watched many-a-friend go and get married, you tell yourself, "We do this whole wedding-shower-bachelorette-party-extravaganza for others, because we would want them to do it for us if we get to that point." But, then you realize that maybe you don't want all of that attention after all. Maybe you want to sit and celebrate the fact that you couldn't be more excited to be getting married with a good cup of coffee with good friends. Nothing flashy. Nothing demanding. Just celebrating love. And honestly, I can not say enough for the people who will be making the trips to Decatur(for some, multiple trips) to embrace the next few weeks leading up to the wedding. Please know that I am touched. Never did I (really) expect people to board a plane to fly to IL to be with us.

I can not wait to get married. But, there is a huge part of me that can not wait to get to the receiving line, and wrap my arms around friends who I have not seen in many many days. So many of the people we love in one place to raise a glass to love.

God, how did we get so lucky?

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