Sunny North Carolina in October 2010

Thursday, September 15, 2011

In Sickness and in Health...

I hate being sick.

And my mom would frown upon me using the word "hate"...this is still a woman that regulates herself from using the H-word because it is just "too strong of a word..."
I wish the parents of MU students would believe this as well. I think it would really reduce the nasty conversations I received from parents that include this word (and many choice others).

Anyhow, I really do dislike being sick. And I have been, for the past few days. It always happens that my immune system falters at the onset of fall. I welcome the cooler weather - but not necessarily the sickness that follows. But, here we are. Achoo and all the like.

I remember the story my mom tells of when she first got sick after she and dad got married. She says that she was vomiting in the toilet and asked for my dad to hand her a wash cloth, and he basically threw it from the door of the restroom. Couldn't stand to even be near it. :) And in 30 years, she hasn't let him live it down.

Well, as much as I despise sickness, I would gladly be taken care of by AHB. He has been an absolute gem all week. Making dinner for me. Being kind. Making sure I feel ok. Letting me sleep. I even missed work this week...the first time in years. But, I would consider being sick on a weekly basis, if i knew this level of attention would be a typical thing. I tell you what, we aren't married (YET!!) but he has the "In sickness and health" down pat. And I have been worried all week about getting him sick, but I have been informed that "I don't get sick." Many times.

In other (non sick) news: I have a larger-ish package from Pampered Chef sitting on my office desk! I want to open it, believing it to be our FIRST Bridal Shower gift. Ever! But, I am going to wait, patiently, until he gets home at 8pm! Man! I love mail, and if this is going to be a regular occurrence - great packages in the mail - I am psyched! If I was Sandy Pawsey, I would shake the crap out of this gift. But, unlike my mother, I have always appreciated the element of surprise - and I do not choose to shake gifts.

Get excited! Invitations go out tomorrow. I hope you love them as much as we do. In the invitations is the link for our "Becoming Berry" blog. More of the world will soon see these words...Annnd, sadly, I believe that will be the day that my friend Ellen gets hauled off to jail for animal abuse. I have never EVER had so much feedback regarding one post! Glad you enjoyed our shenanigans as much as we did. :)

Off to a wedding this weekend, and then we start the weekends of showers leading up to the big day. Ah. I just did a quick check at, and it just informed me I ONLY have 51 days left as a single woman. Where did time go? (Thank god. 51 days couldn't go fast enough!)



  1. Hope you're feeling better soon, and that the package is super awesome and worth the wait (I'm sure it will be!) You're a better woman than I am, it would have already been opened :)

  2. I hope are feeling better. Isn't that sweet of Alex, he must get his nursing skills from me.
