Well, it's official. We had our first 3 snow flakes fall today. The holiday season is upon us. (For me it really doesn't feel like the holidays until a snow...and although I don't REALLY count today - it was the closest we have been.)
As many of you know, I have the glorious pleasure of organizing the Cookie Party at Millikin. This is the 78th year of this tradition on campus. And, as far as traditions go, this is a good one! Although, I must say, I miss my beloved Aaron Copley - my former partner in crime when it came to all things cookie party. (And, well, really just all things! :) )
The Cookie Party was started by the "Wives of Millikin Faculty" 78 years ago, and was seen as a holiday party (Formally called the "Holiday Tea") to end out the semester for all faculty and students. Well, over the years it has switched hands a bit, and now it is the Cookie Party. Not actually funded by any department or person, we basically ask for donations early in October, and cross our fingers there will be enough come the big day.
Facts about the Cookie Party:
1.) We need 500 dozen cookies to not have a "Cookie Crisis" (Yep, that equals 5500 cookies!)
2.) The Cookie Party is only 2 hours - but we honestly almost go through 5500 cookies in 2 hours.
3.) Each year I have had to bake anywhere from 10-50 dozen cookies on my own - because we just never have quite enough.
4.) We donate all left over cookies to the night shift for facilities and custodial.
So, AHB and I started baking this weekend. And we will wrap it all up tonight.
My favorite thing was this:
This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a pile of flour. Created by one, AHB. Yes folks. He is not perfect. Mr. I-can't-stand-the-sight-of-a-mess - made one! And he was highly upset at the thought HE did it. Blamed me at first. How lovely.
And unlike most, this is how he cleaned it up.
So. Odd.
We also watched two of my favorite Prange kids this weekend. Here are a few pictures from the events:
Peace and love to all.
I love the pictures!!!! :)